
Bhaktapur Durbar Square, Nepal: As you walk in, you cannot but be overcome by a feeling of inner harmony. Such is the art and architecture and the spacial layout here. The 15th-century Palace of 55 Windows, situated to the left as you enter through the city gate, inspires admiration. In the fron tof the palace building is a medley of temples of vaious designs. The place entrance, Golden Gate is a masterpices in repousse art.
Thimi, Nepal
Thimi is situated 8 Km east of Kathmandu, is a farming town on the way of Bhaktapur. Wonderful temples and other religious shrines point its steers. It is known for the artistic masks and mud pots often seen spread out on the streets to dry in the sun. Handspun cotton cloth is another Thimi specialty.
The Gloden Gate, Nepal
Golden gate is the entrance to the main countyard of the Palace of 55 windows. Built King Ranjit Malla, the Gate is one of the most beautiful and richly carved specimens of its kind in the entire world. This gate is embellished with deities and monsters of marvellous intricacy.
The Palace of 55 Windows
The Palace of 55 windows was built in the seventeenth century by King Bhupatindra Malla. Among the brick walls with their gracious setting and sculptural design, is a balcony of 55 windows. This balcony is a masterpieace of wood carving.
The Stone Temple of Batsala Devi
which is also located in the Durbar square is full of intricate carvings. This temple also sets a beautiful example of Shikhara style of architecture in Nepal. There is a bronze bell on the terrace of the temple which is also known as the "bell of barking dogs". This colossal bell, placed in 1737 A.D. was used to sound curfew during that time.
Nyatapola Temple, Nepal
This five-storey pagoda was built in 1702 A.D. by King Bhupatindra Malla. It stands on a five-terraced platform. On each of the terraces squat a pair of figures; two famous wrestlers, two elephants, two lions, two griffins and Baghini and Singini the tiger and the lion goddesses. This is one of the tallest pagodas and is famous for its massive structureand subtle workmanship.
Bhairavnath Temple, Nepal
This temple was first built as a one-storey pagoda but later chaned into a three-storey temple in 1718 A.D. by king Bhupatindra Malla. The temple is noted for its artistic grandeur. It is dedicated to Lord Bhairav the god of Terror.
Dattatraya Temple, Nepal
Built in 1427 A.D. this temple is said to have been built from trunk of a single tree. Near this temple is a monastery with exquisitely carved peacock windows.
Changu Narayan Temple, Nepal
Changu Narayan Temple is situated on a ridge overlooking the Valley, about 12 km to the east of the center city. It is dedicated to the Hindu god Bishnu. One of the finest and oldest specimens of pagoda architecture, the temple is embellished with exquisite wood and stone carvings. The sacred complex is a world heritage site.